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Manpage of cgtkcalc
Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: April 6, 2006
cgtkcalc - simple complex number calculator for GTK+
cgtkcalc is a simple scientific calculator for complex number calculation. The absolute value and the argument as well as the real part and the imaginary part of a complex number can be input. You can change the part to input by clicking the label corresponding to it. After a function or a calculation, the part to input is restored to the real part.
Binary operators obey the standard rules of precedence. Entering "1+i3", "+", "2", "*", "3", "nCr", "2" and "=" results in "7+i3".
However, cgtkcalc does not handle the natural precedence for unary operators. For instance, you have to input "1", "-", "(", "5", "*", "2+i3", ")", "sin" and "=" to calculate "1-sin{5*(2+i3)}".
Degree is not a suitable unit of measurement for complex numbers. The "DRPI" button only changes the unit for expressing the argument. The real part, imaginary part and absolute value of a complex number are always in radians. Therefore, to calculate "sin(45 deg)", you have to put "45 deg" into the argument and click "arg z" and "sin".
When the PRIMARY selection is the string of a complex number such as "3 + i" or "23 ej 5PI", it can be pasted by the "Paste" button. "PI" or "deg" can be used only for the argument subsequent to "ej". When the string is a real number, current part will be pasted with it. "Cut" and "Copy" also deal with a complex number in the style of "a+bi". "ACP" does in the style of "a+bi = r ej arg". They omit "+bi" when the imaginary part is "0".
Command-line options may be useful. The option -w can be used for recording a calculation. There are several options for changing the appearance: -rc, -s, -f, etc.
cgtkcalc accepts the following options:
- -h, --help
Display some information.
- -s, --shrunk, --simple
Set the shrunk mode on.
- -i, --hide
Hide the absolute value and the argument.
- -w, --record
Write every step of calculation to stdout.
- -H, --Hand
Use a cursor which looks like a hand.
- -p, --PIrad
Use PIrad as the unit for expressing the argument of a complex number.
- -d, --deg
Use deg as the unit for expressing the argument of a complex number.
- -D, --2pi
Set the domain of the argument to [0, 2PI).
- -prec, --prec number
Specify the precision for the display of digits by number. number must be in {1,2,...,10,11}; 8-digit precision is used by default.
- -rc, --rc rcfile
Specify the gtk+ rc file, e.g., ~/.gtkrc.
- -f, --font [familyname] [big]
Specify a font-family name (`century', `fixed', `helvetica' or `times'); `fixed' by default. Specify big to use bigger size of font.
- -fc-real colorname
Specify the foreground color named colorname for the real part and the imaginary part.
- -fc-abs colorname
Specify the foreground color named colorname for the absolute value and the argument.
- -fc-op colorname
Specify the foreground color named colorname for the operator and memorized-value labels.
+/- : M, S, Ctrl+'-'
EE : E-
- Move the input position to ...
real : R imag : I-
abs : F arg : K-
conj : C-
z^w : ^-
BackSpace : BackSpace-
STO : Alt+S, Alt+Enter-
RCL : Alt+R-
M+ : Alt+'+'-
M- : Alt+'-'-
M* : Alt+'*'-
M/ : Alt+'/'-
M^ : Alt+'^'-
conjM : Alt+C-
CUT : Ctrl+X-
COPY : Ctrl+C-
PASTE : Ctrl+V-
UNDO : Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+U-
CE/C : Delete, Ctrl+BackSpace-
All-Clear : Ctrl+Delete-
QUIT : Alt+X, Ctrl+Q-
HELP : Alt+A, Ctrl+H-
FONT : Ctrl+F-
DOMAIN : Ctrl+D-
DRPI : Ctrl+A-
Copyright © 1999, 2006 SAITOH Akira
This document can be freely redistributed under the terms of the
GNU General Public License version 2.0.
This document was created by
using the manual pages.
Time: 00:59:39 GMT, April 06, 2006